Aesthetic Services
Laser Hair Removal / Permanent Hair Reduction
Upper Lip
Chin Area
Bikini Line
Full Face
Upper Back Area
Lower Back Area
Upper Arms
Lower Arms
Upper Legs
Lower Legs
Brazilian Bikini
Full Back Area
Complete Arms
Full Legs
Cutera Excel HR laser utilizes Nd:YAG and Alexandrite to safely and effectively remove unwanted hair for ALL skin types.
It’s Superior Sapphire cooling mechanism serves to maximize your comfort during each treatment.
For best results, we recommend a total of 8-10 treatments with a frequency of 1 treatment every 4-6 weeks.
Currently being offered.
Genesis Laser Skin Rejuvenation
Full Face
Cutera’s advanced technology uses controlled heat that penetrates deep into the skins cellular layer to promote new skin cells, stimulate collagen, minimize the appearance of large pores and kill acne causing bacteria while simultaneously treating redness and early scars caused by acne. Also addresses fine lines and wrinkles.
For best results, we recommend a total of 6 treatments every 2-4 weeks.
Performed by a physician.
Currently being offered.
Spider Vein Laser Removal
Facial Veins
Leg Veins
Improve the appearance of spider veins and telangiectasia’s (red facial veins) with no downtime.
We recommend spacing treatment every 2-4 weeks.
Performed by a physician.
Currently not offered.
Spot Laser Removal
15 mins
Focus on the problem area that bothers you the most! Treatments are tailored and include: Treatment of mild to moderate inflammatory acne, or removal of sunspots from sun damage.
For best results, we recommend a total of 3-4 treatments every 2-4 weeks.
Performed by a physician.
Currently not offered.
Scar Revision Laser
30 mins
Improve the appearance of scar’s on the body, from scars of warrior like activity as a child (cuts, accidental burns) to scars of warrior like activity as an adult (surgery, cesarean section).
We recommend spacing treatment every 2-4 weeks.
Performed by a physician.
Currently not offered.
1 hr
This is also known as collagen induction therapy. Work on stretch marks, fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars. This is the process of numbing the area & repeatedly puncturing the skin with sterile needles. The disruption of the uppermost layer of the skin kicks growth factors and new collagen production into gear.
Currently not offered.
Laser Skin Resurfacing
1-2 hrs
Achieve beautiful glowing skin with this treatment which involves the use of a Fractional Er-Yag laser to improve the appearance of: fine lines and wrinkles including static wrinkles, deep acne scars, sunspots. This treatment results in shedding the outermost layer of skin revealing a fresher, tighter and more collagenized skin.
Currently not offered.
Botulinum Toxin (BOTOX)
Cosmetic use of botulinum toxin A that is injected into the muscles that create crows feet as well as the frown lines between our eyebrows and forehead as we age. It temporarily relieves these muscle for an improved younger look.
Performed by a physician.
Currently not offered.