Dr. Erica Gomez Ratush OB/GYN
Hi. I’m Erica. If you are looking at this page, it is likely because (like myself many months ago) you are searching for a place you can go to finally get that laser hair removal your friends, family, colleagues or in my case therapist have been telling you about! But what you’re actually stumbling upon is a plan to change your lifestyle or at least add to what about it is already fabulous.
It was not too long ago that I was a hardworking OBGYN resident doing 80++ hour work weeks, a mom who was lucky if she spent a few hours with her son on weekends, a daughter who was managing the chemotherapy regimen of a parent, and the wife of a husband who felt like he was a single dad for a number of years…. suffice it to say when residency ended I was happy to take some time off.
During my respite from obgyn work, one of my biggest goals was self care. I learned my skin, what works & what doesn’t. I explored options for the things I could do for issues that had bothered me for years eg my little occasional beard from PCOS (yes Cardi B some girls get chin hairs) and treatment options for spider veins from many years of working on my feet. I learned that handling major issues occasionally with facials, peels or laser treatment + a very regular skin regimen is where you see the most results and that whenever I slack off, that’s when the blemishes and imperfections occur. I also learned what some of the options are for removal of more permanent things and ultimately, that maintenance is the key to graceful aging.
My medical training taught me the importance of the concept, do no harm & to always try your best to leave things better than you found them. I asked myself where I could make the biggest impact in this regard and found that I should be tapping into what and where there is a lot left to be desired with gyn care. Who is taking care of how women want themselves to look down there, who cares for women when they’re pregnant and cant see their toes let alone their lovely parts? Who is teaching them how to really care for themselves after they have a baby or during their postmenopausal years when things could use some oil so to speak and their counterpart is taking Viagra? Suffice it to say, OBGYN care has come a long way, but yes there will always be things that we could do better and my goal is to contribute to betterment.
Come check out PURR. I look forward to meeting you!
Dr. Erica Gomez Ratush OB/GYN
Downtown Jersey City (Hamilton Park Area) 07302