Who's the Doc?

So who Am I? 

My name is Erica Gomez Ratush DO (OBGYN). I am a mother of 2. A wife of another physician. A Puerto Rican & Dominican Jewish convert who grew up in Long Branch, NJ. I have a strong passion for personal development and enjoying the beauty in everything. I listen to 1-2 audiobooks a week, workout regularly, try my best to decrease carbs and am mostly a person who enjoys learning new things about a large variety of things all the time. 

Why PURR? 

Well, to be honest, PURR in its current state is small, but is a concept for something much larger. I myself cannot find a gyn experience that I enjoy. But how much easier would it be if regular gyn stuff was streamlined? If you knew that wherever you went, as long as you showed up at a PURR, you would get the simple GYN experience that would make you look forward to seeing your doctor. What complicates things is complications in gyn, what simplifies things is a vehicle which focuses on wellness. 

What does PURR currently offer?

PURR currently offers the ability to never have to shave again! LOL, imagine how much time you’d save! We offer Laser Hair Removal ;)

Hormone Replacement Therapy is a new found passion of mine. Why? Well because I value quality of life and realize that this is a catalyst for change. The patients that I have on this therapy feel great! They begin to enjoy life again, are excited to do everything, including exercise & sex. It’s pretty amazing to see the turnarounds and most of my patients feel like they are renewed. 

Back to me. 

I love my patients and try my best to serve them as best I can. I do value work life balance which is why PURR is not bigger right now, but the quality of care is not lacking. I would love to meet you and take care of your needs. Growth is coming… things on the horizon include: OShot, Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation and quite possibly my return to regular old gyn annual exams, because women need a reliable place to throw up their feet in comfort.

Be well <3

Peace and Love, 


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